Space and Time Guide to the Chainlink Hackathon

Welcome the Space and Time Guide to the Chainlink Hackathon!
Space and Time is a decentralized data warehouse that lets you joins tamperproof indexed blockchain data with your off-chain datasets and connect the result back to your smart contracts through a native integration with Chainlink Functions.
Here's what you can do with Space and Time:
- Join on-chain and off-chain data: Connect to tamperproof, relational, realtime blockchain data we've indexed from major chains as well as off-chain data you've ingested.
- Transform data with SQL: Execute both low-latency cached queries and large analytic jobs to transform and mold data into a schema specific for your project.
- Publish queries to APIs: Publish datasets and queries directly to APIs, build dapps on top of Space and Time, and scale easily to 10s of TBs and thousands of concurrent queries/requests. We have pre-built APIs for SQL operations, blockchain data, Kafka streaming, security, and more.
- Send query results to your smart contract: Publish your query results to your smart contract directly from Space and Time using our native integration with Chainlink Functions.
We’re excited to see what you build with Space and Time and Chainlink!
Integration with Chainlink
Space and Time is deeply integrated with Chainlink. You can use Chainlink Functions or Chainlink Direct Requests to send data and query results to your smart contracts directly from Space and Time. For documentation on using Direct Requests, please refer to this link, and for Chainlink Functions, please refer to this link.
Here are just a few examples of what you can build with Space and Time and Chainlink:
- Dynamic NFTs: Power dynamic NFTs in real time with data generated from your Web3 game.
- On-chain betting platform: Run realtime queries directly from your smart contract to inform your bets on-chain
- DeFi liquidity pools: Aggregate data from DeFi liquidity pools and generate insights around performance.
- Staking and Rewards: Power on-chain earning and reward schemes based on complex logic built with on-chain and off-chain data.
- Trading algorithms: Store and analyze realtime market data, such as stock prices and exchange rates, and build trading algorithms that respond to changes in market conditions.
Supported Blockchains
Space and Time currently indexes Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and BNB Chain, as well as Polygon Mumbai, Sepolia, and Goerli testnets. You can learn more about our blockchain indexing service and view the data model in our developer documentation.
Network Access
To access Space and Time, please visit and submit your project information. Please also write chainlink-hackathon in the "Tell us about your project" section during submission so we can provide you access to the network. Please note that only confirmed hackathon participants will be granted access from these parameters.
After the submission, you will receive an email from us with the onboarding information you need to kick off your journey with Space and Time and start hacking.
We are providing a total of $25K bounties. The breakdown is as follows:
- $15K for the best application built on Space and Time with Chainlink
- $5K for the best partnership integration
- $5K distributed to other submissions with the most creative build on Space and Time
Bug Triage
As we are in beta, please let us know if you find any bugs while building with Space and Time. We will consider bug triage in the bounty process.
To file bug reports that will be considered in the bounty process, please go to the Chainlink Hackathon repository and click on the “Issues” tab to create a new issue.
Communication and support
The Space and Time team will be active on the Chainlink Discord in the Space and Time channel throughout the hackathon. If you have any questions or need any support, please get in touch with us there, or join our Discord channel.
Happy hacking!